The Transcultural Conflict and Violent Extremism initiative (TCV) is made up of an internationally recognized group of scholars conducting critical multi-disciplinary research and integrating cutting-edge methods and technologies.
Our work includes research in the fields of Anthropology, Communication, Computer Science, Political Science, Psychology and Sociology. Past and current projects include grant-funded research with the DOJ, DHS, the British Foreign Council, NSF, START, and the Department of Defense.
Now is an important time for social scientific and humanistic research in the fields of violent extremism, international security and issues of global peace. We welcome you to take a moment to learn more about our group of talented Faculty and Staff.
Our team is made up of an interdisciplinary group of experts, scholars and students.
The Transcultural Conflict and Violent Extremism initiative builds research teams of faculty and competitively selected doctoral students in an effort to:
- Better understand the underlying causes of transcultural conflicts,
- Identify research-based solutions for reducing the impact of transcultural conflicts
- Detect predictive indicators of future transcultural conflicts.
Contact Us
Transcultural Conflict and Violence Initiative
Mailing Address
Georgia State University
P.O. Box 4000
Atlanta, GA 30302-4000