ATLANTA — Georgia State University PhD Candidate and Transcultural Conflict and Violence Initiative (TCV) Presidential Fellow, Keyu Alexander Glanz was invited to give a research talk in the Department of East Asian Studies in Ruhr University Bochum based in Germany. He shared partial work of his dissertation project which employs computational methods to examine the ideograph of “human rights” in 22 years of China-U.S. human rights reports amid ideological competition for global soft power.
The Department of East Asian Studies was founded in 1965 with the express objective of giving new impetus to research and teaching in the field. The Faculty’s study programs are designed to enable students to address the region comprehensively and across academic disciplines. The focus of both research and teaching is on China, Japan and Korea. Diverse methodological approaches are applied from the fields of history, literature, philology, philosophy, political science, linguistics, and economics.