ATLANTA —Georgia State University (GSU) Doctoral Student; Stronger After Executive Director, Exit Nexus Founder and Transcultural Conflict and Violence Initiative (TCV) Presidential Fellow, Katharina Meredith presented at the 2024 Eradicate Hate Summit in Pittsburgh this month. She gave an overview of recent projects, funded by the Department of Homeland Security that she has been working on with Dr. John Horgan and the Violent Extremism Research Group. Additionally, she organized a working group with international speakers and members on peer support and exit work.
The Eradicate Hate Global Summit is the most comprehensive anti-hate conference in the world. It unites experts and leaders from around the globe, who are dedicated to eradicating all forms of hate-fueled violence. The purpose of the Summit is to provide a unique, multidisciplinary forum to share ideas and build working relationships to drive the development and deployment of effective approaches to reduce hate-fueled violence.