ATLANTA — Georgia State University (GSU), Professor of Communication and Lead faculty member of GSU’s Transcultural Conflict and Violence initiative (TCV), Dr. Carol Winkler, will present new research publication for The Global Network on Extremism and Technology (GNET) online report launch. The presentation also includes TCV Research Coordinator and GSU Doctoral Candidate, Virginia Massignan, GSU Doctoral Candidate, Cemone Paul and TCV Presidential Fellow and GSUS Doctoral Candidate, Mor Yachin. The new GNET Report ‘MENA‐Based, Far‐Right and Far‐Left Extremist Groups: A Date‐Based Analysis’ will be presented April 25, 2023, 12 PM EST. The event will comprise of a 30-minute presentation of the report findings, followed by a 30-minute moderated Q&A.
This report identifies symbolically significant dates for extremist groups and individuals based in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA), for the far right and for the far left. Given the high frequency of terrorist attacks worldwide, identifying useful patterns based on the dates of their past occurrences remains a challenge for developing effective responses and tracking. This report uses Google Trends scores and Nexis Uni data to identify important dates that spike the number of online views and international news items mentioning extremist groups and individuals.
GNET is an academic research initiative backed by the Global Internet Forum to Counter Terrorism (GIFCT), an independent but industry-funded initiative for better understanding, and counteracting, terrorist use of technology.